debstmomy's grief journey

A blog about my grief journey over the life & death of my baby girl, Alexa Rose.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Sad. Sad. Sad. Two more babies died today. I do not know them personally, but I do know their mother's pain. One was a 4 weeker, the other was stillborn at 35 weeks. One was a MDC mama the other a MDC's niece or nephew. It is just wrong to have babies die. I do not get it. It is wrong, wrong, wrong. Why do babies have to die? Do not tell me it is Gods plan, or it is how the Universe works. It is just shitty. I do not think it is Gods plan. However, I am pissed off at God, or at least what I have been told about him. Perhaps what I have been told is the lie?? Who fuckin knows!!! What I do know is that I think babies should NOT die, if it is Gods plan, well then I do not believe in him anymore. If it is how the Universe works, well screw it, it should not work that way. I hope those Mamas learn they are not alone. I know their pain. It is the most horrible pain in the whole world. I hope they know they are not alone, that helps me. I hope they have the family & friends that I do to help hold them up. I hope they sleep tonight & dream of their babies. Ok, I need to go cry now.


  • At 12:16 PM, Blogger Korin said…

    I agree. anyone who says this is "god's plan" is full of shit. I don't believe any 'god' would purposefully put people through that kind of pain. Shit happens, and it sucks, and you have to deal with it. God is not sitting up there saying "hmmm you need a lesson, here is a dead baby". that is bullshit.
    I'm sorry you're re-living your pain. It sucks. Sending you love. Dream of Alexa.


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