debstmomy's grief journey

A blog about my grief journey over the life & death of my baby girl, Alexa Rose.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Life sucks. See a pattern here? Perhaps, just perhaps someday my life will not suck. I get glimpses. I really do. I was having a terrific week. I had solitude. I had peace. I had lunch with a friend. I even made dinner (basalmic chicken & mac n' cheese, homemade not from a box). Then the night came. Why does night have come? BAM! I am thrown to the damn wall. I could feel it coming. I started to deep breathe, but it just kept coming. Before I knew it I was just sobbing. Why does that happen? It's called grief, but damn it SUCKS! See the pattern? Finally I went to bed. Woke with headache. Suns up, new day. If I am lucky, I will get a glimpse.


  • At 3:19 PM, Blogger Korin said…

    I wish I knew what to say, other than "i'msorry" but it's all I have. I think of you everyday, and light a candle in my heart for you and your family. I hope that peace finds you.


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