debstmomy's grief journey

A blog about my grief journey over the life & death of my baby girl, Alexa Rose.

Monday, August 15, 2005

I am cussing so much these days. Way to damn much. Way more than I ever have in my whole life, unless you count the rebellious, I'm so grown up teenager phase. But wtf, there does not seem to be words strong enough at this time, for me to express how shitty I feel these days. Well, I am sure there are, but I have no fuckin brain power to think of them. So if you are offended, don't read my blog. If you are not, thanks for accepting me where I am, right now.
Today, was an alright day. Only a few tears. I know that tears are good, but it is so fucking exhausting to cry so damn much. I get down right pissed off & then I physically feel bad. Then the damn headache comes & all hell breaks loose in my mind. So all in all, today was a good day, as all hell did not break loose. Thank goodness.


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