debstmomy's grief journey

A blog about my grief journey over the life & death of my baby girl, Alexa Rose.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Today was a national day to light candles for all children that have died. We lite one for Alexa and all her Angel Baby Friends on MOA. Here is a picture.


  • At 11:04 PM, Blogger Korin said…

    i'll light a candle before I go to sleep. For Alexa, for Grace, for Nazir, and for all the angels.

  • At 7:53 AM, Blogger Erica said…

    Thanks for your comment on my blog! Your Alexa looks beautiful in that picture. I promise that the pain changes over time. You'll always miss her and wish she hadn't died, but eventually the pain won't be so constantly sharp & raw. Don't expect too much out of yourself; it's ONLY been six months.

  • At 9:09 AM, Blogger Bike said…

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  • At 9:10 AM, Blogger Bike said…

    Bike said...
    I lit a candle for my 4-year old Christine, (10.30.05), my friend Jennifer (5.11.05) and Jake (10.15.04)...all taken from this earth to soon to be with the Lord.

    I'm seeking other bloggers who grieve on-line to hopefully share a bit of our journey together.

    I now pray for you little one Alexa as well


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