debstmomy's grief journey

A blog about my grief journey over the life & death of my baby girl, Alexa Rose.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

I do not believe this. I really do not. A third mom posted on MDC that she lost her baby last week. Another one!! She was not an MDC regular, but found us after her loss. I am glad she found MDC. Those wonderful ladies have been my rock. Mama's that know this journey I am on. They lift me up & inspire me. Some are pregnant again & have found true happiness again. I am so glad. It really gives me something to look forward to.
There are four of us whom had their babies die within weeks of each other. It is amazing to see how close we are on this grief journey. This is what a bereavement counselor wrote about grief:
1. Shock and NumbnessCharacteristics most intense the first 2 weeks
Attention span-short
Concentration is difficultdecision making is impaired
stunned, disbelief
resistant to stimuli
functioning impeded
time confusion
failure to accept reality
2. Searching and YerningCharacteristics dominant 2nd week-4th month
sensitive to stimuli
dreams restless/impatient
double meaning
testing what is real
weight gain/loss
sleeping difficulties
aching arms
obsession to get pregnant again
preoccupation with the deceased
resentment bitterness
time confusion
lack of strength
perceptual confirmation is key
3. Disorientation characteristics
dominant 5th-9th month
think "I am going crazy"
social withdrawl
awareness of reality
anorexiaweight gain/loss
sense of failure
difficulty in concentration
feels ill "sick role"
lack of energy
4. Reorganization/ resolutioncharacteristics dominant 18th-24th month
sense of release
renewed energy
able to make decisions easier
eating and sleeping habits re-established
able to laugh and smile again
increased awareness in self-esteem (appearance, diet rest, exercise)
begin planning for future
I think that I range between numbers 2 & 3. Sometimes I have parts of 4, but those are few & fleeting.


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